photo: Impact(ED)
Stories from the Forefront
of SBCC media production
"There is no wisdom without experience..."
Producing media for Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) requires knowledge of behavioral drivers of change, a deep and sensitive understanding of a given cultural context, and expert production experience.
photo: Katie Mota
USAID wanted to know more about this process to improve SBCC media around the world, so they commissioned Pierce Mill Media to interview practitioners, researchers, and media executives with decades of experience in the field to put together a narrative to be a resource for those seeking to work in SBCC media production.
photo: Impact(ED)
Working closely with world class journalist Gil Wienrich and using PM’s story sourcing methodology, PM gathered stories from SBCC media pros around the world. The result is concise and compelling story that is equally useful for SBCC practitioners and the broader international development community.
photo: Impact(ED)
photo: Rajan Parajuli
photo: Stevan Brux
photo: Impact(ED)
Download it here.